How do you keep cool? For humans it is somewhat easy. Go in the air conditioning, or jump in a pool, but how do animals keep cool. Well I want to share some picts of our animals.
This is Mrs. P, she uses the dog's pool a lot.
Yes they have a fan and I bring them out ice water. Sadie doesn't care for the swimming pool and Pepper likes to get it then roll in dirt then get back in the pool. I am not sure what that is about but makes quite a mess.
This cat is actually up in the storage in the barn right next to the hay mount. I would think it would be extremely hot considering the barn is all metal.
The cows hide in the shade.
If you are really spoiled you get to drive around a couple times of day looking at crops in an air conditioned pickup.
A Disclaimer, that is not my dog! It is my dad's.
How do your animals stay cool?