These papers happen to be sitting where we have noticed a red chevy pickup parked about two evenings a week and for hours. Last Tuesday when I went by a person in the drivers side scrunched down so I couldn't see them. I pulled into the drive got the mail then decided to pull up behind them and get their license plate. Another persons head poked up. Hmmm guess what they were doing? Well Mister Red Chevy pickup now we have your name so if anyone knows PJ Roberts from West Des Moines he is obviously doing something he should not be doing and my questions is why on a gravel road? According to you CarX bill you have spent a lot of money on your vehicle since November ( I have 4 bills) maybe treat the person you are hiding with a little better and take them out or the very least get A ROOM!
Now here is the part where I am mad. At the bridge some idiot and it may even be Mr. Roberts has decided to dispose of their microwave over the bridge as well as a recliner that they placed on the sand bar. Now really you already have the stuff loaded why don't you pay the $20.00 and take it to the dump? Why dispose of it in Beaver Creek? Beaver runs into the Des Moines River which I believe then goes to the water treatment plant. Maybe not, maybe that is just the Raccoon. None the less I am sure the DM river is some cities water shed.
Media, protesters and special interest groups like to blame the Farmers for bad water and the things that are in the water. Many farmers I know do everything they can to protect the water. I know we have buffer strips, tiles, wet lands, we plant trees, wild flowers we have our scrapes and garbage hauled away. What gives the right to these people in town to come out here and throw their crap in what we are trying to keep clean. What does that idiot think is going to happen to that chair if we get rain and it fills up the sandbar. How about the inside of the Microwave. That stuff is toxic. So it will poison the fish that will swim down to the DM River and some fisherman will catch and take home to feed their family.
I will tell you what will happen to that chair it is going to get hung up in a group of fallen trees or more garbage that idiots have dumped over another bridge causing a backup with the water which in turn will cause flooding. Do people not get it? We need to keep our rivers, streams and creeks clean so water can flow to where it is naturally suppose to go.